Sire: "Topper" Ch. Silhouette's Solid Gold CD RA JH NSD NRD V TDI
Dam: "Di" CH Midwest Dream Streak Lady Gadiva Star
Born 2-9-09 5 girls and 4 boys for more information email
or call Rhonda 319-560-8189
Update: All puppies have gone home. Drew will live with us and with Truman sometime when Katie and Chris let her visit for some real fun times.
Click on picture for newest picture video below

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3-31-09 Red male now Memphis is home in Tennessee with his new family.
3-11-09 New collars are now on as the ribbons were getting to tattered everyday. Maroon is now Sparkle Blue, Red male is now Green-Red-Dark Blue, White is now Black, and Pink is Black with pink & blue. See each puppies pages for new pics please.
We are moving the puppies today to the larger pen in the "dog room" to start to encourage leaving the bed area farther to potty, and on nice days they will even get a short time outside. It is a straight shot to the door from the area about 15' so the first week or two is a challenge to direct them to the door. They seem to come in faster then I get tem out! Mom Di is now cutting back on her "clean up" duties as they eat more kibbles and are drinking water also it becomes more then she is able to do. In the wild the puppies would be crawling out of the den by now to potty so we try to follow the lead they show us. It seems to really aid in early house habits.

Click on above photo for latest pics

Click on above photo for video of several pictures of litter.