Looking for a forever family
Friends of Animals in Tipton Iowa is a no kill shelter and always a great place to find a friend
1688 Barber Rd, Gainesville, GA 30507
October 2009 |
This page was created by the volunteers of the Hall County Animal Shelter, in an effort to share the wonderful animals up for adoption at our shelter. |
The goal of the Hall County Animal Shelter is to facilitate the placement of stray and unwanted animals and pets in desirable homes. We strive to maintain a clean, friendly, healthy and positive environment for the animals in our facility. Through our community outreach programs, we promote responsible pet ownership and offer low cost spaying and neutering. These initiatives help reduce the unwanted pet population which is a public safety benefit to county taxpayers. |
hcasvolunteers@gmail.com |
Yes, he is still available. He is in the Sheboygan area. Since his time is limited, here is his contct information : Sara
920-208-6802 - santosansara10@yahoo.com Here is the first email... FYI Pelase let us know if you are able to help him as his time is limited. Thanks. To whom ever will listen, and whom it may concern:

I am in desperate need of help. My name is Sara and I live in Sheboygan. I have been trying to contact any no-kill shelter possible because I must surrender my 6 year old weimaraner named Primo. I have all of his paperwork, and will include all of his things…hisbed…toothbrush…toothpaste…dishes…dog bed…toys…boots…jackets…collars…leashes…dog food…everything I have for him. He is totally potty trained, great with all ages of kids. I have a 14 year old, two 8 year olds and a 3 month old. He is precious to me and has done nothing wrong. He has chronic ear infections, and has lots of allergies including food, ragweed, skin, etc.... most recently (the last week) he has begun bleeding from him bum.
I am in the process of the bank taking my house, so I am moving to an apartment May 1st. I must find a place for him by then. My humane society is a kill shelter and with Primos conditions i fear that will be his fate. I love this dog so much and he has soooo much life in him yet that it tears me to pieces to think that this is most likely what is going to happen if I am unable to find anyone to take him and get him the help he needs. If there is anything that you can do please email me as soon as possible. I recieved emails back from 5 out of the 6 shelters/rescues stating that they are at full capacity. You are number 7 that I have emailed. Please be the one to make the difference for Primo. I will pay a surrender fee....whatever I have to do for him to go some where safe, warm and loving, that can help him with his conditions. Please let me know if you know of anywhere else I can turn.
Thank you for reading this. I'll be hopefully awaiting your reply......I also attatched some pics of Primo. 2 of these are what he looked like before his allergies kicked in really bad. He has recently regressed quite quickly. The one with himself sleepin alone is more how he looks now.
I love Primo and just want what is best for him. This is so hard. I just dont know what I can do anymore. Ill have to put him to sleep around Monday if I cant find any to take him and help him. I dont want him to suffer at the humane society and then be euthanized anyways.
Gracie - is a beautiful 10 year old Shih Tzu, female, in which the owners are moving and can't take her along. Photo requested.
2 black retrievers, about 1 year old, not sure of sexes, not sure if housebroken, very cute, clean and friendly. Beautiful dogs that need a good home. Owner is having another litter and wants them gone.
Spencer - 13 year old Llapso Apso, male, he is in a boarding facility the last we were told. Photo requested.
Samantha - a 2 year old Terrier Mix. She needs to be rehomed due to the current owners moving to a compound that does not allow animals and a baby on the way.
'We are relocating end of this month, but the baby is due anytime so the we are looking for ASAP. She is eating Purina one rice and lamb. She is eating twice a day right now. She does walk on a leash, we use a chest harness because she does like to pull, but it has gotten better lately. For the back yard we do have a fenced in one right now. I do take her with me in the front yard with no leash for short periods of time and she does not run, but I am not sure how long she would stay there without running. When we are at work, we do kennel her. We have had her in a house with cats before and I have not notice any aggression. She seemed a little scared of one and didn't notice another. She does like to play so it might be once she gets to know them she would try and play with them. Photo attached . She is a very lovable dog, but she is very energetic and likes to jump. We are afraid that with the baby and new home we will not be able to take care of her and give her the type of home that she deserves. She is up to date on shots, she is spayed, she does well wit dogs, some have not liked her but she has never been aggressive towards them, and she is good with our neighbors 2 year old daughter. Photo attached.'
Two Left Paws Animal Sanctuary |
For these dogs above the contact is Lori
If you know of a dog that needs a home please email us the dogs pictures and information with contact information and we will review it and post.