"Ella" CH Midwest Dream Lady Sings The Blues
"Jiggs" Kick Em Up Outcast of Shiloh
Puppies born 11-9-11 ~ 4 Males 1 Female
All puppies are placed from this litter.
Home made liver dog cookies.

I really want to have my own home for Christmas let me out!

12-17-11 Chewing on pigs ears & pizzles. Playing with stuffies & each other

12-16-11 Will two of us fit to fly away??? I don't think so.

12-16-11 Visitors we love visitors come play we only chew a little.

12-14-11 It is puppy picking time..............red female is going to Arizona to Donna, Green Male is first pick male and gets to be a hunting dog on top of family member at the
Terhune home. We have two more families to decide which puppies are theirs until we find out who's special home is coming still.

12-9-11 Ella heard Di's puppies squeaking and must have thought they should be hers. Four times I caught her and carried her away from Di's puppies before she was able to get to her, however on the fifth time Ella got to the whelping box and Di bit her head. It looks worse then it really is and the vet said that it will take about a week for all the seeping to go away. She is on antibiotics & yogurt to keep from infection and upset stomach. We are warm soaking it about 5 times a day to keep it soft and to help it drain. It hasn't slowed her down in the least and the puppies are really running fast and play almost all the time. I hope to get the 1/2 crate in the pen in the morning to continue to teach them to potty away from the bedding more. Miss Red girl came to the door and cried. I was treating Ella so I didn't pick her up. She stepped a few inches away and went potty! This group should be fast to potty train.

The question here is can we escape yet?

Really do you think crying will get us out?

Lets just play instead for now.

12-9-11 Puppies get visitors to play with and be held by.

12-7-11 All the puppies are running and playing with each other and Ella.

12-6-11 Puppies pile on top of Ella

12-3-11 Puppies are playing more and now are getting Ella involved in it. Trying the water and not impressed but like the puppy food with Ella's raw diet mixed into it allot.

11-29-11 The puppies are becoming more stable on all four feet and able to walk to the food and water dishes. They are all starting to eat a little bit of puppy food. The puppies have started to explore the pen and chew on toys.

11-27-11 Ella had Tawn, Lauren and CJ visit today

11-20-11 Puppies eyes are now just opening and they got the first nail trims.

Phil came with Lauren to visit Miss T is checking out the babies. Phil is Miss T's brother and Lauren is Ella's sister and a vet student.

11-15-11 Outgrew ribbons again now they have real puppy collars. Lots of love from our grand daughter for the puppies.

11-12-11 Everyone is well after the trip to the vet and sleeping again. 

11-11-11 All ribbons had to be replaced as they are all too tight. In the morning the puppies go to have dew claws removed and tails docked. Getting lots of attention by everyone.

11-10-11 Everyone is gaining weight and doing well.

Ella says you can only hold them when grandma says so.

Social imprinting begins


Ella before breeding.
Updated pictures taken 11-8-11

Ella woke this morning at 1 am having contractions but nothing hard so we should I hope have puppies by Thursday. She has dropped and her ribs are all showing now. The puppies are sticking out all over as she has no extra weight on her at all it is all puppy. It is the back of a puppy showing in this picture between her knee and nipples.

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Ella 11-4-2011 ~ 0 to 9 days to go.
11-3-11 Ella leaves Tawn's and came back to the farm to settle in and have her puppies.

Ella ~ ~ ~ 10-28-2011 ~ ~ ~ vs ~ ~ ~ 10-22-2011

10-28-2011 Felt and watched puppies moving.


Ella, Brewer (rescue brother) & Tawn (co-owner)