Midwest Dream Truman's Legacy Beauty "Lacey"
CH Rockville's Truman Greystone MH TDX MX MXJ VCD2 RDX SDX VX5 NAVHDA UT-1
CH Midwest Dream Beauty Born Birdy Abby
Born: 6-5-2008
Lacey had a fast show career to get to her Championship title she won 2 points in Marshalltown, then won 2 - 4point majors and finished with a 5 point major. She will be out to show as a special as she matures more. In the mean while she is returning to hunt training and adgility training to continue her titles.
Ch Midwest Dream Truman's Legacy Beauty


Best Of Breed 4 point Major Win
St Joseph Kennel Club 1/31/2009
Thank you Judge Mr Roger R Hartinger
Northstar Weimaraner Club 1/02/2009

Thank you to Judge Kathy Engelman
Lacey will stay here at Midwest Dream and will be our next generation of Weimaraner's that are bred to be what the breed was created for, to be beautiful hunting dogs. Lacey will be worked in the field and shown in the conformation ring.