"Topper" Retiered Topper past away at the young age of almost 13
Ch. Silhouette's Solid Gold CD RA JH NSD NRD V TDI
Sex: Male Born: September 25, 2003
Topper's OFA information
Topper's AKC Pedigree
9-8-2012 Topper is turning nine in just a few short days and it is hard to believe. He has the looks and abilities of a much younger dog.

Still has the style on point.

5-5-11 Topper and Abby in the yard just playing around.

2-11 Topper has Julie's feet off the ground after taking breed in Des Moines!

Best of Breed at age 7 over 4 other Champions. His daughter Drew was Best of Oppisite sex to Best of Breed.