Weimaraner Puppies
"Di" CH Midwest Dream Streak Lady Gadiva Star
"Topper" Ch. Silhouette's Solid Gold CD RA JH NSD NRD V TDI
Born 10-2-2012 - Four Males Two Females
Di & Topper
This is a repeat breeding with excellent show dogs that are also great in the field. From past litters of this paring Drew, Drake, & Duchess Di
All pupies are placed


Pink Girl

Lt. Blue Male

Red Male

"Zoe" Purple Girl


More pictures very soon.
I added a short video thru utube
I really should be talking about personalities to help you pick your puppy however the problem is they are all about the same except for Pink Collar Girl! She is the one who is usually making another one cry because she is awake chewing on someone when the rest are all sleeping. The boys are all very close in size & personality. I am trying to make notes on them but they are not giving me much to say. However in Pink Girls defense when we hold her she isn't a naughty girl at all, maybe she is just board with the sleeping crew!

Taking individual pictures of the puppies and they really are not into this they would rather just cuddle and sleep.
Blue Boy

Getting very sleepy

Green Boy

Pink Girl

Purple Girl

10-25-2012 It is amazing after getting to big for the whelping box and moved into the 7' pool in the living room for more space how fast they can take it from clean to this!

Di's turn for a nail trim & two momma dogs resting together after nails are done.




Topper said he wants to get in on the action he will wait in the box for her.

He changed his mind the couch is more comfy!