Born 1-12-2011
Di & Topper
4 Females 2 Males Born
All puppies in this litter are placed.
Health checks are scheduled for 2-28-11, puppies are ready to go home 3-2-11.
Females are Pink Collar, Purple Collar, Black Collar & Green Collar. Males are Red Collar & Blue Collar.
2-27-11 Haas family has picked Black Collar female
2-27-11 Puppies went outside again and played with big sister "Drew" (from "Di" & "Topper" first litter in 2009) they also played with "Rusty" one of our Vizsla puppies we are babysitting. They are going off the deck faster and farther in just one day. They all are very confident in being able to explore the big beyond. They also seem to like the snow and eat it!

2-26-11 First time outside to potty. It was warm enough for a short time outside and they are all ready for the adventure. 4 out of 6 even went potty for us! Helps on the inside cleaning up. Then they were ready to cuddle up and take a nap.

We are ready to go home now please! We want to play all the time.

2-25-11 First pick has made his choice it is female green collar.. second pick is pink collar female.
2-21-11 Puppies are now micro chipped and we tried to take pictures with me stacking them. This is not my talent and they know it, besides that we put them up on the table to do so and it was very scary for them..........
Black Collar Female

Pink Collar Female

Purple Collar Female

Green Collar Female

Red Collar Male

Light Blue Collar Male

2-13-11 We had a very full day of visitors. One family early in the day and another in the afternoon. The puppies got some more time with the pheasant wing, and lots of holding.

After the visit was over Di and I played fetch with the wing then she took it into the pen with the puppies.

Then it was nursing time.

As soon as tummies get full it is time to pick on mom game.

2-9-11 The puppies are so much more active and playing with each other now. They are eating quite a bit more and drinking often from the water bowl. They are starting to move away from the 1/2 crate to potty which is a great step towards crate training.

These puppies will be released to go home on the 2nd of March or after, so they will have to be picked before then. I know how hard it is to do over pictures, and if it would help I can take a short video and uplink it to the web page. It is still really too early for that now but in another week they will really show the personality. As of right now they all are eating from the dish, we put the 1/2 crate in so they will learn to sleep in it and pee elsewhere, they are all starting to come to us when we are in the pen picking up messes or cleaning it in general. Black collar girl seems to be the first one to us consistently, but they all start to wiggle tails when we pet and pick them up.

2-4-11 Now instead of waiting for us to drop puppy food around them they are wandering over to the food dish to eat more. I was too slow with the camera to get them in motion. They are responding to squeakers in toys & us calling them.

2-2-11 Getting bigger eating more puppy food.


1-25-2011 We have eyes opening up and starting to mouth the food Di spilt on the rug with them. Everyone is growing very well.

1-18-2011 These puppies are growing up so fast and are so fat! Here are new pictures.

1-14-2011 First Vet visit for dew claw removal and tail docking.

1-13-2011 Everyone is doing well and gaining weight.

1-12-2011 Healthy puppies were born.

The day before puppies come for early labor we have a waiting room all here to support Di.

I love the concern in Topper's eyes above.

L to R- Arabelle, Di, Topper, Drew & Ron. Drew is a Di & Topper puppy from 2009.