"Abby" CH MidwestDreamBeautyBornBirdyAbby
"Topper" Ch. Silhouette's Solid Gold CD RA JH NSD NRD V TDI
Born 3-14-2012 5 Females & 5 Males
5-29-2012 Oz is back to be baby sat while Robert goes to the Caribean..........bummer right! Not so he went to the river with his mom Abby and learned to swim and retrieve sticks from the water in about 15 minutes!

In this next group of shots Oz follows Abby into the river then finds out it is over his head. Watch how Abby follows him back to shore to make sure he got out okay.

Here again he follows her into get the stick but this time he swims out okay.

Now its time to hold Abby back and let him get it on his own. He did great!

5-9-2012 "Becca" the last pup to fly the coop!
"Becca" first flew to Texas then to Mexico to live with Monica & Rodrigo 
5-6-2012 Last girl to get picked up.
Stripsky family takes Elsie (Lt.Green female) home.

5-5-2012 More puppies go home.
Almanzo (White collar male) Is home with Heidi & John
Gabriel (Dk Blue collar male goes home with the White family
5-4-2012 Two more new homes for puppies.
Mitch named Black collar male "Leaf"

George & Sabina take Lt. Blue boy home to Illinois

5-3-2012 More puppies go home.
"Purple" girl now "Sophie" with her family

Below Rober and his mother with "Oz" Green Ribbon boy
5-2-2012 Starting to go to new homes.
Below "Pink" girl and her new family headed to Wisconsin.

"Lt. Blue" girl with her new family

New Video from 4-20-2012

Visits this weekend with lots of play time.

Poor little black collar male said he has to sleep can't stay awake!
I put a video of the puppies on utube here is the link.

Below my 4 year old great nephew Adain is playing with the puppies. They all come to the door to play.

Yes those are chicken feet that they are chewing on. We raise our own chickens and the adult dogs love the feet.


Nail trimming takes place about twice per week the first four weeks with baby nail clippers then we change to using a "dremel" tool with a fine sanding drum on it.

In this next group of pictures it shows purple collar girl crawling over Abby as she slides down her back then crawls back up on top of her then goes to sleep curled up on top of her. I think that is cute but almost mom abuse.



4-5-2012 Big move into the puppy pen from the whelping box




3-22-2012 Had to move up from ribbons to collars. Sad note once again Abby laid on a baby and we lost a little girl. Everyone else is growing great and starting to move around more now.

Sorry for the delay I had to drive to Kansas City for the show!
Final Count 6 Females and 5 Males!!!

3-14-2012 3:15 pm We now have 5 males and 3 females.

3-14-2012 11:30am We are up to 3 males and 3 females.

3-14-2012 So far two males and one female many to go!

We have three deposits on both sexes at this time. We will only take deposits on up to three of each sex until the litter is born then contact first people on our waiting list afterwards. If you are interested in being on the waiting list to be called in case this changes or after the puppies are born to have a chance to get one of her puppies please feel free to email me rhonda@midwestdream to be place on the list. This is Abby's final litter.
3-7-12 Abby & Topper with Hennessy & Chevy (available) out in the hay field playing fetch and stretching legs a bit.

3-5-2012 Abby started to rip up bedding in Topper's crate tonight so we are getting closer. She gained allot of belly while I was gone to a three day show. Her puppy Ty from last years litter won a three point major from the 9-12 month class. His and his owner Lauren's first show!

Lauren and Ty are first in this picture.

Abby is happy mom is home again!
2-25-2012 Abby is getting a good belly on her but not too large of a litter this time it should be a great size for her/me to manage. She has dropped and she is showing swelling that indicates we are getting closer to delivery time. Milk is starting to develop I am sure she will deliver by the 12th of March is my guess.


Abby's past litter's
Born 6-5-08
Dam: "Abby" CH MidwestDreamBeautyBornBirdyAbby
Sire: "Truman" CH Rockville's Truman Greystone MH TDX MX MXJ
"Abby" & "Topper" litter born 9-6-2009
Winnie Poo