"Lacey" Midwest Dream Truman's Legacy Beauty
"Topper"Ch. Silhouette's Solid Gold CD RA JH NSD NRD V TDI
Puppies born 12-10-11 5 Males 2 Females.
All puppies placed
1-29-2012 Going out side is doing well. Everyone comes to pup-pup and is learning to even go off the deck to potty! We start crate training today and as of Saturday will be alone in crates.

1-24-2012 Outside for house training and playing in the snow.

First trip out side to the show. Shy at first then took off running and playing in it.
~Above Green Male available~Below "Schatzi" Pink Collar Female

"Ace" Blue Collar Boy above "Emry" Lt. Blue Below left "Chris's" Red Collar male Below right


Above-Both mommies want the same toy-Di on left Lacey on right.
Below-Jenn visited to pick her puppy. Larger collars. Toe nail trimming with the dremel.

1-11-2012 Sorry for the long wait for new pictures here they are & more on the way! They didn't like it much the very first time out so they were just on the porch for a short time then went back in for more food a nap then another longer trip outside to run and enjoy the warmth and sun just before the weather change.

1-1-12 Happy New Year


12-19-11 Collars have to be made bigger

12-17-11 Puppies are growing more each day

12-15-11 Puppies got new collars instead of ribbons & front nails trimmed also.

12-12-11 Everyone is growing and getting fat tummies.

12-10-11 At 8 am we were at the vet clinic and after they had done everything they could they asked if we were ready to prep for a c-section for the last puppy. I asked Ron to walk her outside one more time and he got her to go and her tail started to banana again so we went inside. The doctor gave her one more booster shot and 15 minutes later she had our last puppy a 21 oz female! She had one male and one female 21 oz puppies. These are the largest puppies ever and we are very happy that she was able to have them all natural.

I asked Ron to watch over them while I took a shower before going to the vets office and this is how he did it. He is 6'4" and this is a 6' pool!

12-9-11 First puppy born at 11:45 pm last one she would have on her own was born at 2:30 am. After trying every thing that I could do I had Ron take her for a walk at 4 am to try to get more action. At 5 am I gave up and knew we were in for a trip to the vets office.

12-7-11 Lacey has to be on top of us or at least partial on top of us and she can't get comfortable.

12-6-11 Lacey has had on and off contractions. She pants allot has pulled at the blanket under my desk this morning but no pushing or really steady contractions yet. This being her first litter we don't know what to expect as each one is different.

12-2-11 Sharing couch time with Di and Ron.

11-29-11 Nail trim day. The weird pattern on her is just light coming thru the window reflecting on her.

11-28-11 Time with Ron in the lazy boy chair with Rock ( Lacey's brother ) who just tore his toe nail off and has to have it wrapped up now. Di below stretched out seems the only comfortable way to be.

We went collecting corn in the field behind us with Lacey & Di to get them some exercise & fresh air.

11-16-11 Lacey is starting to show a real baby bump. More pictures to come.